
What is an A1 certificate and how it receives?

A1 form is very important legal document confirming for a worker or persons who carry on business across UE area, Free Economic Zone or countries of Switzerland’s confederation that all social security contributions are paid in the jurisdiction in which they obtained A1 certificate and are temporarily working.


Therefore, if you send employees on a business trip abroad, you should know about it.

Recently more and more companies have decided to send they employees to work abroad. Considering such step, you need to try obtain the A1 certificate. The certificate is confirming that during all work or conduct of business activity abroad, the holder of this document will be a subject to exclusively Polish requirements in the field of social insurance. Thanks that, employee don’t need pay social insurance contributions, in host country till marked in certificate date.

The A1 certificate can apply the citizens of the 3th countries, such as Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia whose working in Polish companies.

Since 1st of April 2022 all applications can be made in electronic manner only, through using of the electronic service platform of Social Insurance Office (ZUS - Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) in Poland. If ZUS - social insurance office in Poland received all required information, it able to giving certificate immediately. However, if not – there will be able to complete the process during one month, in very hard case – not later than two months. In order to obtain a certificate as soon as possible, is essential that the information provided in the application is consistent, complete and true to the facts. That document will send to foreign authorities as well, so there can be no doubt about the grounds for issuing it. In case of doubt, ZUS must initiate a clarification procedure. However, in any case of violations, it will withdraw the issued document.


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