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Due the situation in Ukraine we have gotten a lot of requests about possibility create of foundation (non-profit organization) for helping Ukrainian people.

Now, I'll try explaining, how you can do it.


Accordant to the polish law the founder of foundation need to allocate require asses to the foundation to achieve this goal.

Below, I've presenting all necessary requirements to set up of the foundation and to complete a registration process. The founder is required to:

  • · Determining the amount of the founding fund and establishing the foundation act
  • · Development of the statute, i.e. a document defining the organisation and operation of the foundation
  • · Register the institution of the foundation in the National Court Register (KRS)

Moreover, the foundation board can hold several founders

A declaration of will to establish a foundation must contain the purpose(s) of the foundation's creation and the property intended for its implementation.

Before the founder goes to the notary (who will draw up a notarial deed), he first decides what value the property will allocate to the foundation and what purposes the property will be used for. If there are several founders, they should mark they part in the foundation.

The funds declared by the founder (and later transferred) should enable the foundation to start its activities. This property will become the so-called founding fund. The minimal amount of the foundation fund depends on if foundation will carry on business activity or not. For foundation which won’t carry on business activity does not specifying the minimum value of the asses.

It has been assumed that the minimum amount of the founding fund is from 500 to 1000 PLN.

And vice versa: if foundation will run business activity there is will be minimal amount of 1000 PLN and no less for non-profit activity i.e. at least 2000 PLN.I hope that all questions, then I able to calculation of all process.


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